QR code cards Plastic cards - Plastic cards, ID cards, plastic cards, Qr cards, proximity cards

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QR code cards Plastic cards

karty plastikowe QR
karty plastikowe z kodem QR

QR code   on your   plastic card

Get a free   sample,   order from   1 piece ,  direct   manufacturer

Nowadays   we have   a lot of information :  images , company information, product catalogs, videos,  "know -how"  and many others   .... and we would like   to put it all   on   a   piece of   plastic   ...

How   to do it?  Design a   QR code !  QR codes   for business and   not only

Have you ever thought   to   run a   Power Point   presentation from   a card?   Easily direct people   to   your website ?  Distribute the   beta version of your   latest software ?  Performing   interactive   customer   survey ?
With QR Code   and   a device such as   phone with camera   with   a free QRReader application , you can  accomplish all   of these examples .
Scanning by   QR   code   eliminates   all   errors   such as  wrong  " manually"  typed   url

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